Cunts on Ghost Bikes


“They also pointed out that a forensic report into the collision by gardaí showed that Ms McEvoy was already either falling from her bicycle or lying on the ground by the time she was struck by the accused’s car.”

Nothing to do with parked cars. A terrible accident and horrible she died.

how would that detect which individual cyclist is breaking the light?

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I wonder if it would be possible for the church to reserve their parking spaces for their mobility impaired congregants? That would probably solve the issue for all concerned.

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The focus should be on the vehicles that actually kill people and stopping them breaking the law, its a quick win for safety for people

Your post came after mention of police stopping a number of cyclists for infractions. Thought you were suggesting a red light camera would somehow aid that

Yep, they could park in the car park, that dude that travels 20km to go to service and expects to be able to park on the footpath should park in one of the nearby carparks

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Im not overly concerned about that mate

It seems they have the capacity to solve their own issue. All it would take is a small bit of organisation from the church. Perhaps people that don’t require the parking spaces are turning up and taking parking spaces that less fortunate people desperately need? Not very Christian of them.

i read that they have 40 people turning up for service on a Sunday. I know one of the Councillors in the area is looking for alternative spots nearby where they can park

Plenty of parking outside St Mary’s CoI five minutes walk away. The lad who had the stroke could park in the Church grounds.

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That is fcuking outrageous tbh.

Eh, if people are debilitated they can park in the church car park. Otherwise they can walk a few hundred yards.


Irish government calls on Brussels to clamp down on gas-guzzling SUVs | Ireland | The Sunday Times (

There’s the grandest field you ever saw behind the church. Couldn’t they buy that?
Or level No. 103 next door.


maybe the solution is to park in the car park?



You can see clearly there how difficult it would be for an @Mac type character to jog a double buggy on the footpath with the cars parked there.

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That’s the protestants for you

Oh look who is in favour of illegal parking. Bill Tormeys daughter. There’s a surprise. The cunt doesn’t even live in Howth and she was at the same carry on in Malahide where she also doesn’t live.