Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Your man wasn’t even going very fast.

Doesn’t do any good when a what looks to me relatively careful driver gets nailed for dreadful bike handling.

I’ve done that manoeuvre with a two litre of milk in either hand at traffic lights. The inside one exploded all over me. I was too embarrassed to even look at the entertainment on the face of the cars behind. I’d wiggled up to the front to add to their joy.

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Correct. If I was going that slow on a bike, I’d probably have one foot clipping/clipped out already

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What was the purpose of the second picture I wonder :thinking:

She’s an awful attention seeking auld wagon.


I wonder what kind of a lock she had?

It doesn’t matter apparently.


No helmet either

She was sheepish about that one.

The second photo is like one you’d take of your child on their first bike :grinning::grinning:


It’s ok.
This is the People On Bikes Thread after all.

No helmets in the Netherlands mate or in Denmark

That was a lovely little grenade thrown in by Craig amongst the “I’m so sorry that happened to you, you ok hun” merchants. Had all the @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy s crowd seething :rofl:


The school of fish will take that bait and swallow the hook good and proper.


Ah come off it. Car didn’t slow or move into the verge even slightly. It’s not hard to give the cyclist a bit of space there.

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I’m sure Craig will be thrilled that a link to his tweet got two likes on an obscure internet forum. He really showed her.

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She needs a set of stabilisers.

Thanks to granny and grandad for my new bike! Xxx hopefully we can meet up again when it’s safe to do so xx

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