Cunts on Ghost Bikes

5 likes pal, 4 more than your post

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Mayor John J. Bauters on Twitter: “Happy #EarthDay2022! I took a bike ride on #CarFreeJFK with @IrelandinSF and discussed cycling as a climate action strategy. Try turning one weekly car trip into cycling or walking. We may celebrate Earth Day once a year but we need to care for it year-round. #GoOutside! :earth_americas::shamrock:” / Twitter

There’s something ironic about this.
Cyclists forcing people to walk.
Perhaps it’s just funny.

Eh, they are objecting to coach parking in bike lanes

Muldoons will be in for a shock in the summer when they see fairview.

The GAA crowd?

Yep, loads park in fairview, thats all changed now

It was a scandal where they were parking those coaches on Alfie Byrne Road. Right over two cycle lanes. They were then offered a coach park off Sheriff St but they wouldn’t take it and it’s gone now.

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Nowhere to park a few busses near Croke Park is a bit of a planning disaster alright.

We ran a few busses to the club All Irelands and remember jumping back into one double parked on a side street.

A few busses is one thing but 100 is a different story altogether.

Occasional forumite @nemesis would be the fella to sort this out. The only man on the forum with actual experience of parking over a hundred vehicles.

Good stuff out of @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy only way to deal with this lot

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Cycyling without age has been set up on the baldoyle greenway guys

Can all fingalians volunteer please

What is it?

Its fantastic.

The Right To Wind In Your Hair - Cycling Without Age

basically, the bikes are based at red arches & there is an app. When someone wants a ride, you get notified by the app and accept it if you are free


That’s great. :+1:

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Just like Tinder.



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Fair weather cyclists in that video.

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I got the email looking for donations to have these erected around Dublin. I’ll send on a few bob.


Did someone pull that sign there with their bike

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy has sleepers in every city.