Cunts on Ghost Bikes

You’re paying an early adopter premium for the AI instinctive drive train.

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cycling lobbyists= people who dont want to see kids killed

Are you living in Navan?*

*You know, when you’re not in Australia…

i only go to Australia on essential journeys mate

I am not living in Navan

My father has it in for some “cunt up in Wicklow” who objected to a wind farm up our way because of the hen harrier. The father was in for a tidy sum as they needed access through our land.


in fairness, some dude in Dublin stopped the Galway bypass so its not all bad

Were you getting an organ transplant mate?


i advocate to protect the reef when im there

Only this morning he was telling lads to fly to Italy to see an aul church.

The hypocrisy of these green cunts

i clearly stated that rail sail is the only option for Italy

Cycling cunts polluting the canals in Amsterdam


Which resulted in millions of extra tonnes of carbon emissions as cars sit for hours trying to get over the river.

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They were contributing to a wonderful habitat for the canal Ecosystem

It was only stopped a few months ago mate, it wouldnt have been built yet.

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Every day mate.

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@Bandage having a bad day….