Cunts on Ghost Bikes

They must be bad at their business. Bike shops are absolutely cleaning up the past 15 years.


They’re not all cleaning up. A number have closed down. There was a huge scarcity of Shimano parts for a few years (think a factory burnt down).

Peak Lycra was around 2015 also.

I think if you read between the lines they are moving to a new and better location. It’s hard to buy a bike in a bike shop you can’t park nearby.

The anti car agenda has killed a 100 year old bike shop.



Aul buck who sold every young lad in Laois a bike passed away yesterday, Denis ‘Spokes’ Kavanagh. Even as a younger man he wasn’t the fastest to get a bike back to you repaired but Jaysus he could make one sing all the same for you no matter what was wrong with it. An institution. I dunno how he found anything in the shop though and how he fit all the bikes in and out of it each day. Every morning he’d move the bikes out of the shop onto the street and back in again that evening. Real old stock. God rest him.


Juliette Gash is a tremendous name.


I met her before years back. seemed an alright sort. It’s a great name alright!

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We need a dedicated thread for all the people you have met over the years.


I’m the Limmy of TFK mate.

public consultations are a curse to progress

They’re a curse to everything. Putin isnt all wrong @glenshane

A plan for cycle lanes from the Rochestown Inn all the way into the Fingerpost are at an advanced stage. I’m hearing both sides of the road with potential residential purchases required. cc @Thomas_Brady #therightthingtodo

I’ll still swerve to hit you cunts… I’ll have your Munster tickets tomorrow hopefully.

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You’ve pretty much summed TFK up in one sentence there pal.


Two lots of abuse in one sentence.


Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Looks great

Quite reasonably priced too

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