Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Fixed that for you.

ok, i held fire after your first vile pop this morning but you have crossed a line there mate

Jeremy Vine was being a dick there. The end.


Genuinely thanks. The software hides the extension stick. I didn’t know that.

But that basically explains why he nearly crashed. The cunt was basically trying to cycle, act in and be the camera man, AND direct a movie all at once. With a yard long stick sticking out the side, top and front of his bike.

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He didn’t nearly crash. He had to slow down.


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Interesting to see the response of a real cyclist like @Locke as opposed to a Social Media Cyclist like @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


The sudden stop was for dramatic purposes only.
I get it but he’s some shaper in fairness.

Have you one of those GoPros?

No. Couldn’t be arsed with it tbh.

He was going for a PB hence his refusal to slow down. This means a lot to the commuting MAMILs

agreed , @Locke is a cyclist
Im a person on a bike

hold off until you get some of the fines for reporting cagers, will basically be free then

I’ll have you snowed under with data access requests.

The six cameras hanging off @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy severely impact the Strava times.

Word: motonormativity
Definition: humans have an in-built acceptance of the risks and harms caused by motorists that they would not accept in other parts of life.
Example: @Ambrose_McNulty @TreatyStones @padjo @maurice_brown @Iggy @MountLeinster @habanerocat seething that a person on a bike is angry that a cager pulled into the bike lane on one hand & on the other hand, not commenting or even being bothered that a man that killed a 3 year old child got his driving ban reduced by a year

Word: monotonous
Definition @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy constantly tagging padjo in lame posts
Example see quoted


You ok pal?

This is very true.

I posted here before about the comparable safety concerns about cars. If you tried to put a machine into industry that was as dangerous as a car you’d be laughed out of the place. It just wouldn’t happen. Yet we accept them on our roads.

You could argue industrial safety has evolved that way. So also has car safety, but at a much slower rate. It’s related to industry, agriculture and economy.

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Yeah, but that’s just the way. Imagine if booze was just invented.

It would be the greatest weekend ever…

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