Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Imagine having a camera pointing back at your bollox while you’re out for a cycle. Ye lads aren’t too right.


I find it destressing and calming most of the time. Then you’d have a proper near miss every so often, cars swing into bicycle lanes or what not, and you could be raging and roaring. But by the time you arrive it’d be nearly forgotten again, it’s a bit curious actually.

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Look mate, I cycle loads, and that stupid cunt is in the middle of the road. It’s rank bad manners if nothing else.


I got given out to by a cyclist this morning at the beach. Beautiful sunrise, sea glistening, no cars, and i stepped onto the road to get into the car. Cue shouting. Cunt could see me for ages but decided at that time he wanted to cycle within a ft of the parked car. Bizarre.

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I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest you were at fault here.

Youd be wrong. There was nothing to be at fault over. You know that road well and its very wide. No cars coming either way. I didnt even step into his path. He just had his anti cage rage fully wound up. It was bizarre.

wow, cager criticizes a VRU after trying to kill him

Now you’ve got it. The cyclist tried to kill me. I’ll be a much more considerate cyclist myself later on while cycling.

Cyclists have become emboldened by these cunts with the go pro’s. We need to sacrifice a few of them and it’ll be the finest.

These cunts need to be stopped

“No cars, and I stepped onto the road.” Very telling.

agreed, the mask slipped badly there

ok guys

remember to cycle in the middle of the road

Most cyclists are potholes

Are tricycles allowed in cycle lanes?
It would be difficult to overtake them.

Time to take off the stabilisers now mate, you are old enough

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I’m too old.
That’s the problem…