Cunts on Ghost Bikes


@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy 4 hours ago. ‘You tried to kill the cyclist.’
@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy 2 hours ago ‘the cyclist should have been in the middle of the road’. With a diagram too.


Cyclists staying in the middle of the road in slow moving traffic - that’s a good one :rofl:

You didn’t agree with this one last week mate, you’re all over the place.


Can the BCA point me to this post?

Sad story this

Some cyclist got airlifted by helicopter yesterday off the N11 outside Oylegate after cycling into a parked truck. It’s obviously awful but how unaware do you have to be to park into a stationary truck like that?

Head down

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That’s what happened Egon Bernal

It’s what happened the lad that “don’t go” was written about.

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy could eat himself here

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He needs to get better brakes or else cycle slower.

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I always think cyclists stopped at red lights are awful eejits

It just needs a bit of common sense really.


I’d agree with you there. I wouldn’t see anything wrong with a cyclist treating a red light light a stop sign.

The ones that just flat out ignore lights grind my gears though

tumbleweed GIF

yes,agreed, i think the Dutch allow you to turn left at red lights

“we are de custodians of de land, dem greens up in dublin know nothing”

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Obviously you need to be aware of traffic lights or you’ll be dead, but lads stopped at lights like they’re in a car make me laugh

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