Cunts on Ghost Bikes

You honestly see nothing wrong with this? A child could easily have walked in front of bike.


A person considerate of pedestrians


Ah lads. A bit of common sense is whats required. A bike should be extra careful when encountering pedestrians. A car should be extra careful when encountering bikes or pedestrians… basically dont be cunts. Yer man couldnt have hit a kid cos theres no kid there. You’d hope if there was he’d be a damn sight slower.

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Are you serious, have you ever ridden a bicycle?

Ive being a pedestrian where bike has gone through red light and would have hit me but for my quick reaction. This has happened more than once.

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I have, and I followed the rules of the road.

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I’ve ridden through red lights for 40 years and have never hit a pedestrian or a car etc etc

But but , you can not speak for all cyclists, and that’s the point.


So do we legislate for common sense or in an authoritarian manner? I cant remember which country it is (it might not exist but someone told me it…) but some country has a law that if a bike hits a pedestrian the bike is always at fault. Similarly, if a car hits a bike the car is at fault. That ensures care in all but the most reckless, and theres fuckall you can do for them anyway.

Highway code applies to cyclists.

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Cars have reg plates and insurance. If a bike hits a pedestrian and injures them the pedestrian has a bit of a chase on their hands

It’s funny around town now as bike lanes are used more and more to see bike riders start to get stroppy with each other based on perceived pecking order.

There’s a safety issue with E bikes (often Deliveroo lads) weaving out of bike lanes to overtake slower analog bikes but that’s a different story.

On another point this is a beauty (too small for me or I’d buy it )

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Yes it does. It could be changed slightly however.

Stopping at a red light is pretty fundamental imho.


You only have to do it once

Probably Holland

The person in the cage following broke the law and drive dangerously, the pob could see nobody was coming

There are no children in the clip, there are no cars crossing, the two lads are rolling through.
Honest to God I can’t actually believe that people wait at traffic lights when there’s nothing else around

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Because its the law?

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It’s like waiting for the green man, I don’t do that either


You’re a menace.

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