Cunts on Ghost Bikes

I’ve never been in or caused an accident in my life, I’m blown away that lads are so exercised about this,

Approaching lights, assess the situation, if it’s safe to do so carry on, if you need to stop then stop

You don’t do that driving a car I hope ?

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That would be foolish in the extreme

I did a bus tour across the States a while back. The bus driver studiously observed every single road sign. If a sign said Stop he would actually stop rather than slow down and go through the junction. If a sign said you could pull in for 5 minutes hed pull in for five minutes. He never double parked with the hazards on. There was a reason he behaved like this. He’d likely be done for every infraction and we saw plenty of others being done for things the Guards wouldn’t bat an eyelid at. Completely different culture.

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He was probably half cut too. The yanks attitude to drink driving is baffling.


Or inexperienced/bad driver merging from Right could hit them.

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Valet parking at restaurants and lads having ten cocktails.

Paddy thinks rules are for everyone else and he’s a better perspective.


I was surprised at how well behaved the drivers were. Then again if you offended another driver he might have a hand cannon in the glove compartment.


I cycle pretty much every day. I also drive. If there’s a green man and no people crossing of course you go through on a bike. If there’s a red and you want to sneak out left and there’s no traffic approaching then of course that’s ok too. It’s common sense really.

You’d see Japanese or Korean people waiting a couple of minutes for the green man and not a car for a half a mile in any direction,
Good for them :clap::clap:

Great stretch of bike lane from the Elm Tree to the Glanmire roundabout, with only a couple of hundred meters to complete by Little Island. Had it to myself yesterday. Great to see.


@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy will be seriously conflicted with this one


He’s one annoying prick, he’ll get a serious slap some day

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this is class- the new entrance to the greenway


Look at al those general waste bins :frowning_face:

I don’t see any bikes?
Was ye one cycling on the footpath or something?

No messing, this was so simple an improves the run for absolutely everyone, even cagers. Theres 3/4 new estates and hundreds of new gaffs one side of the porto junction and a lovely greenway the other. Literally hundreds of people every day going through the busy junction. This bypasses it completely. I was on it this morning on my spin to howth and back. Well done fingal and to any local councillors who worked on it and might appear in that video.