Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Yes, you are encouraged to cycle two abreast

Meanwhile, kids and teenagers being killed by cagers this week and you think its brillaint, sick

Sure what’s the point of cycle lanes then if stupid cunts won’t use them


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Why are you so happy when a car driver kills a kid

Again why have cycle lanes if cyclists don’t want to use them

Nice and straightforward. (I am in no way defending cyclists.)

if they are fit for purpose they are used

why park on footpaths?
Why kill kids?
Why poison kids?
why break lights?

Don’t ask why, ask instead why not.


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Fair effort to keep things right


Dutch do a great job. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy would you embrace cager racing?

Side note, all the fans will be soaked cycling home

Most events on the continent do a hard plastic cup like this. I have mine from the Hungarian GP last year. Only cost a euro, used it all weekend could have gotten the euro back but its in my cupboard.

Tell me it’s fake :see_no_evil:

Jeremy out and about again.

He’s an awful dose.

That fuckin tunnel :roll_eyes:
Under cut at 5 this morning
Then the cunt in the green Meath registration van man actually stops at the roundabout and is trying to adjust his Sat nav the dopey cunt,
Instead of following the road signage,
Then last week a blonde Uber bimbo in a jeep cooped on at the vv last second she took a wrong turning and decided to drive right across her lanes and cut me up,
Had to jam on big time- I’d gave been arrested if tbe trollop stopped so enraged was I,
Quicker this cunt of a thing is completed the better.

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Nearly got wiped out coming midleton to wilton with some dozer in the wrong lane. Just whipped in.

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What tunnel are you on about now?

You know that anything you get for nothing isn’t appreciated.

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ok guys, take it to the cager thread