Cunts on Ghost Bikes

The school they are going to is the one up at the Church is it?

yes, i love it, it makes such a difference, thank you David Healy

that area by the station is thriving too

yes, this is what is planned to get them there, it looks like they are going behind the petrol station

Yep for most of them. Theyll still cross the road though. It’s every one of them walking dogs/babies/children etc that will skip the junction. The woman in the video is talking about the pedestrian crossing on the way to the train presumably.

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That’s some smashing infrastructure. Very impressive. When little wan gets stronger on bike, we will take train down to there and go for some spins.



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The person on the bicycle didn’t stop at the stop sign. Quelle surprise

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Could they not have kept to the bounds ditch ruining a perfectly good field

He is a troublemaker.
Having said that, I was out on the bike with lodgy this morning pottering down a country lane toward Starbucks. We were just chatting when some lady in a black mini roared up behind us and leaned on the horn. We were on our own side. Nothing coming, so she had plenty of room to go around. I issued a profane hand gesture, and she mouthed something I couldn’t hear before overtaking.
We would always drop to single file whenever needed or on a busy road, as it’s bad manners to hold someone up in almost any circumstance, but some folk aren’t very pleasant.


Women always more likely to blow horn. They panic.


Oh she wasn’t panicking.

I find they’ll blow the horn well in advance for no reason. The same ones who’ll never let you into traffic and drive straight ahead with faces frozen in terror.

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Cunts cycling two breasts across the cycle lane complaining that cars are getting too close them.


In fairness there is always plenty of room to pass there (Blackbanks, Raheny) so the guard was probably venting a grudge against cyclists. Nothing coming the other way either.

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Everyone is responsible for Fergal’s safety on the road, except Fergal.