Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Easier to be the chaser tbf

Less than 30 people a day use TFI bikes in Limerick - Limerick Live (

This guy seems determined to get himself killed to prove a point

Just saw this myself. Some dickhead. He’ll be killed soon, but i suppose by doing so He’ll end up being proven right, and sure thats all that matters.

That is some crazy fucking cycling, and he posting it up and arguing with everyone. @Locke you may go lob another comment at him again and have the cycling community go at you.

Love his work


Saw it earlier. Lunacy. He’s going to get wiped out of it. Cycling over 60km/h outside an artic. I’m going to stop the head the ball if I ever see him.


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I looked into once. It was quite expensive. I drove the diseal arpund instead

He’s like Wyle Coyote. Stupid and demented.


An absolute wanker. He’ll get himself or someone else killed. You’d want your head examined cycling down the middle of a busy road like that.


He could have been closing in on a personal best.


Is this not dangerous behaviour on a road?

I think he just took @balbec 's kom section.

100%. To go outside like he did at that speed, on that road is reckless. And up against an artic. As Balbec said, a wanker.

He’d have been completely invisible to the driver anyway.


A future organ donor. Nobody will want his eyes.


Surely he should get a tap up from the local gardai then. Bizarre behaviour from a grown man.

There is that

On the flat maybe on a KOM doubtful.

just to reiterate, this is what cagers are at these days:

Driver who knocked down and killed child (7) had previously caused death of pedestrian (