Cunts on Ghost Bikes

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7 laughing emojis from the feeble minded lad suggests he’s tickled

sorry i said Liverpool were shit & their fans are scumbags on another thread mate, didnt mean to make you seethe

I deal with each post on its merits pal.

Laughing at that shite is as clear a cry for help as I’ve seen.

Don’t see midlife as a crisis pal but as a chrysalis.

I got you man.

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Could you clarify if you were talking about full-time or part-time Scousix? It might salve the seethe somewhat.

since klopp has said he will leave he jumped back on board

well done all

2024 Allocations with Project Descriptions_final.xlsx (

Any allocation for this lad??

Not from the transport budget

FF need to step up on health

Plenty money for candy floss but not for things that matter.

Nice effort at sweeping btw.

Ye’re responsible too.

Each dept gets an allocation each year mate

Transport funding is split between public transporr, active travel and roads, for the first time ever, the split is fair

What a weird response.


I’m sure that child is thrilled.

Soon we’ll all be cunts on bikes.

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Driving in dublin is for mugs



Almost, we’ll all be cunts on e-scooters.

Dry mugs

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Dry mugs moving at 1 kph

Wetgear keeps you dry. Sure a drop of rain never hurt anyone.

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