Cunts on Ghost Bikes

I’d love to see the wetgear that keeps a lad dry in that.

It hasn’t rained on the commute to the island yet.

happy to report, it was a relatively pleasant trip in.

rain gear makes a huge difference

I dunno, was pretty sore this morning.

cager just came in, 30 mins journey took me 1.5 hours


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40 year old killed in kinsealy


Did it happen on the road from Malahide to Clarehall? Would be a fairly straight stretch, good road from what I recall?

Yws ,Closer towards the baskin

Narrow in places

Clarehall to town is ok to cycle

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Outside the applegreen. Horrendous. RIP. The lad across the road was there just after it happened. Said it was grim.


Was it someone exiting the garage

Think so. Either that or posey row, the one the pet shop is on. Mrs J not slow in pointing out how often i cycle it and how shes always telling me to be careful

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Big wide stretch of road. Bright morning.

And fairly straight. Id imagine somebody just didnt see the cyclist at all.

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I was over that way earlier and the Gardai had the Malahide Road closed after Chapel Road so I reckoned something serious had happened. Just heard on the news that a cyclist was killed. Terrible news.

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3 young kids

@Juhniallio @Rocko you know the brother

Yeah I just heard that. Jesus awful stuff.

Pm please

Delicious irony.


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He could buy his entire village for that amount of Mula

Our roads and towns are just not suited to cycle on
Only drivers who understand fully the dangers of cycling here are former motorcyclists or cyclists themselves,
Want to see the loopers on cars and bicycles around Carrigaline to Ballygarvan in action :roll_eyes:
Cyclists 3/4 abreast on narrow arterial roads
And frustrated loons trying to overtake them


I doubt this, especially if it’s a club out cycling.