Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Did any drivers get killed by the cyclists in carrigaline? In the case above a driver veered across the road, wiped out the cyclist cycling on the other side of the road and left 3 kids without a dad.


I also wonder if that isn’t better than strung out. Easier to overtake. Motorists here have become a lot better since two abreast was very publicly legalised, though it’s still bad manners not to move into single file if you can and it helps a car overtake. It’s just basic manners.
Three abreast is the new two abreast.


Think u get my point
Lcallly here it’s bloody mad at times
As can be verified by that young :portugal: child ran down a while back
And the German au pair years back

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If we were on a road like what @Corksfinedtboy is speaking about in a group, we would be all singled out. We take the Ballygarvan to Carrigaline road back and forth quite a bit.

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would love to get the stats on how many bikes using the new Fairview route, on it today & stopped to chat to a guy i know, in the 5 minutes there, at least 25 cycled by

I’ve heard anecdotally it’s working out about 300 bikes an hour


ill aim to get a tracker put in & report back

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It’s for active travellers not stoppers


chatting to people is one of the many benefits of active travel

No doubt yere group would boy
Yere responsible
I see it weekends near always
3 abreast min

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Good for them.

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Bit anal though

Is it finished yet?

I think you already know the answer…

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Inwards is as far as connolly, think Irish water arent finished outwards

I used to love zipping by that tracker on the Grand Canal near Harold’s Cross bridge

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yes, its a real chest out moment when you see it go up 1


What a legend.


Heartbreaking case on Ireland AM.

A young female cyclist killed last May and her boyfriend, another committed cyclist can barely speak.

It was hinted that the motorist was at fault.

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