Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Fucking hell. That’s awful. That’s the junction beside Honeypark .

these voted against making this junction safe

The irony of yer man flying by her on the bike as she made the report.

Tricky one that.

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Terrible news. Every motorised vehicle driver is a potential killer.

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Think thats a 30kph zone too

Sore wan.

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Shouting down all the lads blaming the chain and then admits it probably was the chain :joy:

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Think he just does it unconsciously now as he’s so used to arguing the toss with everyone.

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This will come by where I live @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and go more or less to where I work. Looks fantastic. Great work from the Greens.

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It’s not really though. It’s obviously a huge improvement, but it’s not away from the traffic enough. It’ll be left like that for decades. Any new bike lane should aim to be properly SEGREGATED.

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I’m going to go to the consultation today and I will bring that up. Good point.

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Point is whilst that one looks grand on the picture, you can still easily get wiped out by some lad on a phone.
This is a better layout

Albeit there’s probably no room in your one.

It’s a wide enough road and that’s currently an 80km zone which is absolutely ridiculous. Talk of that changing. Lots of right and left turns though on it for roads and estates

Might not be obvious in the image above but most of the newer bike lanes have a pretty substantial kerb between the bike lane and road, that looks like it will have similar.

It needs it for sure. Anything is better than nothing, but it’d be best done correctly from the start. Id always prefer a separated two way bike lane on one side of the road as it just feels safer. The road junctions are an issue then but such is life. Just need then to encourage the lycra louts not to clog the road just because they’re doing 25kph.

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The lads down there are safer from you on your phone alright :wink: