Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Down where mate? Didsbury?

Down in the ditch

Indeed they are cc @Cheasty

Yeah the kerb will be there alright from what I’ve seen.

off road is best

kerbs next best

then wands

last just painted

this looks like kerbs

clearer image here @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy @TreatyStones @flattythehurdler

Current view below

Proposals Include:


Provision of protected cycle

tracks and upgraded footpaths

on the Old Dublin Road over a

length of c.3.2km.


Improved crossing facilities at



Reduce car dominance by

reallocating road space.


Linkages to the existing and

proposed active travel network

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narrowing the road makes people drive slower too

the curb separation is fine tbh

The existing cycle lane in my estate will connect to this, looking at the plans. I’ll be heading down shortly to pick up the small wan from afterschool, and that’s by where this public consultation is so I’ll go in to talk to them (and make sure the place isn’t taken over by cagers).

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Great chat in there. The images are from an older scheme. The proposal is for full segregation. It’s fantastic. I saw a few there going on about traffic hold ups etc. so I’ll be writing up a very positive note on the online portal.


Where do the buses fit?

There’s loads of room for the buses pal. There’s a middle kind of lane in the road that will go

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On the road mate


Leaving the road alone would allow for bigger buses, more capacity and faster service.

How wide are buses these days mate

Width is varies. Articulated buses are the way to go mate.

Does an articulated bus require extra width?

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Are there buses in ireland that exceed thw width of 1 lane

For front sweep and tail swing it would require clearance other traffic. Doesn’t make a lot of sense narrowing roads just for ascetics

Depends on the width of the lane doesn’t it mate. Max bus width is 2.55m. Lanes differ according to geography