Cunts on Ghost Bikes


what a snivelling lying little cunt that @glasagusban has proven himself to be.
he was generously let off the hook out of sympathy id guess when he was making up those utterly ridiculous scenarios where some caf in limerick served him up hard poached eggs on avocado spread and left him waiting half an hour for a coffee

The story makes sense now Fagan. Why did you never mention the right turn earlier?

It worked out well for you that that little change in detail made your tale more believable.

Incontrovertible indeed. I’m sure no one will question you any further.

Let it go glas. You questioned my honour and I have been comprehensively vindicated by THE INTERNET.

I questioned your honour, changed your story, and thereby your honour was vindicated. I trust the irony is not lost on you.

The uncritical acceptance of eyewitness accounts may stem from a popular misconception of how memory works. Many people believe that human memory works like a video recorder: the mind records events and then, on cue, plays back an exact replica of them. On the contrary, psychologists have found that memories are reconstructed rather than played back each time we recall them. The act of remembering, says eminent memory researcher and psychologist Elizabeth F. Loftus of the University of California, Irvine, is “more akin to putting puzzle pieces together than retrieving a video recording.

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Show me where I changed my story.

I already did. Have you been taking debating lessons from Nembo?

You’ve insinuated that I changed my story. But I can’t see where that might have happened?

It’ll be a travesty if you don’t pick up a Nice Post here. Although it reminds me of '99 when Ginola won Player of the Year after the United vote was split between Yorke, Keane and Beckham.

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I apologise if I insinuated anything. To clarify, you changed your story by the addition of a key detail that made your story more plausible.

Of course you can’t.

What is this key detail and when did I make the change?

They probably saw the gomey head on the cunt and made him wait just for the craic.

He’s on about a right turn, I don’t think he is too familiar with the junction.

I’d tag him but I’m on the mobile, he’ll be getting my nod for idiot of the month.


I didn’t change my story at all. If you knew the junction at all you’d be well aware that right over the bridge is the natural way for traffic to go and so was so unnoteworthy as to not warrant mention. Left ie straight on down the quay might have been noteworthy as that route is positively discouraged by the narrowing of the road.

The other thing that strikes me about your insinuations is that it infers that I have been scouting the junctions of Dublin for the last 24 hours looking for just the one that would back up my story. I haven’t. I’ve set out exactly how and where this happened. You asked me to produce a diagram. I did. And you still won’t admit you were wrong to question my integrity. It takes a big man to admit he was wrong. You are not a big man.

Following these two posts Fagan later added another additional detail, identifying the junction that he earlier shiftily avoided identifying in response to a direct question. Why did Fagan not answer the question? What did he have to hide? Why did he backtrack and later identify the junction?


You are making an eejit of yourself now. Let it go.

The addition of not one, but two key details (one of which you earlier refused to provide in response to a direct question) have made your story more plausible Fagan. As I said, I’m sure no one will question you any further on it.

No they won’t young man. And let that be a lesson to you in life. Never show your full hand until you have to. I was happy enough to let you away with your little barbs but you wouldn’t let it go. You backed me into a corner where I decided to use all the information at my disposal to give you the Internet beating you were asking for.