Cunts on Ghost Bikes

You added details to make your story more plausible. That’s all I ever said. I’m glad we agree.

At least he didn’t start abusing you yet.

Look it. You made a very poor decision to ask me to produce a diagram. A diagram will always contain more detail than 5 lines of an Internet post. Once I threw the diagram up there you were on a hiding to nothing. You can blather on about plausibility all you want. You accused me of lying. I didn’t lie, nor would I have any reason to. You’ve been beaten here. Move on.

Cheers @croppy_boy. Got the nice post badge there now as well.

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I love a good reconstruction so I do.

It was like something off of Crimewatch.

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A pure likeathon there fagan. I gave you one for all 3.

Only thing better would have been one of those flip books making a cartoon out of it.

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I actually thought about doing that but I couldn’t figure out how to upload the video. :smile:


shiftily avoided? his terse response was " in town" @Fagan_ODowd does not suffer fools so a response like this was to be expected,

there are any number of reason why a man may not answer a question. 1. he wasnt bothered 2. he didn’t feel the need to elaborate on his original story 3. he may have thought that to identify the junction would only prompt further questions about the location of the junction.

An omission of detail is not hiding.

providing additional information is not a “backtrack” what could he track back over he had not provided the information earlier.

Finally why would you care so much?

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Cheers mate. I couldn’t have said it better. I had poor @Brimmer_Bradley run off the celeb spotting thread because he had the temerity to ask me a question like that.

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You’ve always had it in for me on this thread.

I fondly regard both posters so I’m disappointed to read this fall out.

I am too mature for that type of thing. The abuse in this discourse has all been one way with @Fagan_ODowd calling me, among other things, a “guttersnipe”, an “eejit”, and perhaps worst of all, a “big eejit”. I’m sorry if that doesn’t fit your narrative of events but then facts and posters’ narratives have been uneasy bedfellows on this thread today.

@Fagan_ODowd you have lovely penmanship.

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A picture can paint a thousand words pal.


It helps when you’re dealing with someone who is barely literate as well.

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Hold on now. I questioned his story, which as initially described sounded implausible. @Fagan_ODowd then embellished his story with two further details which made his tale more plausible. It’s odd that he refused to provide one of these details when he was directly asked it but then backtracked on that refusal and provided the location of the incident when it suited his agenda at a later stage, but then, I suppose Fagan is a prickly character and that might be the kind of thing he would do and it had nothing to do with researching a suitable location for his adventure.

In the end, I merely observed that these things happened as Fagan’s tall tale unfurled and I suggested that no one would question his story any further.

Or a boardful.

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ODowd has commented on general traffic and cyclist behaviour at Cardiff Lane/Macken Street/Grand Canal Dock on occasion in the past. I prefer the view that he’s fairly recounted an actual incident and I think your prolonging this debate is becoming unseemly.