Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Cyclists always have the right of way according to the rules of the road.[/quote]

Cyclists are meant to stop at red lights too. When they start doing that, I’ll give them some respect.

I won’t.

I didnt say I’d slow down as I run over them.

Ah yeah-cos every single motorist obeys the traffic signals alright. Good generalisation there.

Thank you, I’m quite happy to generalise when it comes to this filth of the road. No respect whatsoever for pedestrian lights, the shower of cunts. Amount of times I’ve been sideswiped by cyclists as I cross at these lights is a disgrace.

Pedestrians have no respect for traffic lights either so I’d gladly cut the muddafuckas down :wink:

There is a growing sense of anarachy on this board

a motorist who chooses not to obey traffic signals will eventually find himself off the road.

its a silly argument that cyclists throw as it but ignores the fact that you can operate one of those pedal things in any state of body or mind or in any manner you wish but if a car hits you its simple, regardless of what has happened the car is at fault.

and you wont see any stats on accidents caused by pedalists because it will always be a road accident, ie the car drivers fault, no matter what.

I find it hard to believe that these cyclist fooks don’t have to pay road tax. It’s outrageous.

I stop at most lights, and if I go through I ensure no other person, pedestrian or motorist, is put out by it.

Which is interesting, as neither of those two species gives me any respect. Pedestrians see you and walk across anyway. Motorists see you and pull out anyway.

Add that in to the shit roads and crap weather and you all just fuck off.

Anarchy is right. Bring it the fuck on.

[quote=“Thrawneen”]I stop at most lights, and if I go through I ensure no other person, pedestrian or motorist, is put out by it.

Which is interesting, as neither of those two species gives me any respect. Pedestrians see you and walk across anyway. Motorists see you and pull out anyway.

Add that in to the shit roads and crap weather and you all just fuck off.

Anarchy is right. Bring it the fuck on.[/quote]

should it not be the rules of the road you should be thinking about, not other road users you think dont care if you break a red.

and while you introduce respect to the discussion, how much of it do you show towards the rules of the road and the law?

Motorists don’t pay road tax either.
They pay Motor Tax-barup de hup :thumbsup:

And without motor tax you can’t, well your not supposed to, use the roads.

Thats it, I’m firing a stick through the spokes of a cyclist at lunchtime.

It starts here, and now.

[quote=“HBV*”]should it not be the rules of the road you should be thinking about, not other road users you think dont care if you break a red.

and while you introduce respect to the discussion, how much of it do you show towards the rules of the road and the law?[/quote]

You’ve probably already broken the law today HBV, so don’t give me that shite. The law. :wink:

unfortunately a motorist cant just throw his eyes to heaven and say ‘The law’

thats where you pedalists have the upper hand.

I’ve failed to ever hear of someone get a fine from ‘the law’ for either parking or driving over cycle lanes. it does work both ways.

I have. Actually saw a cyclist once turn his bike around and chase down a copper to get him to come up and ticket a car parked in a bus lane. Then the car owner came out of the store, in his wheelchair. Cue red faces all round. Still illegally parked, but cyclist apologised profusely nonetheless and got on his little trike and took off.

and you just happened to be standing around to witness all of this event? I love the internet!:wink: