Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Sitting aroudn actually, stuck in traffic. :wink:

Fuckers in wheelchairs taking liberties yet again.



I encourgaged the cyclist to throw the handicapper out into the traffic but he was too busy pulling his tight spandex cycling shorts out of his asscheeks.

T’internet is a great place for bullshite artists.
I’d say MBB was looking at the event occurring out the window of a pub whilst sharing a drink with Hansard or the like.


wheelies make my skin crawl

[quote=“Pikeman”]T’internet is a great place for bullshite artists.
I’d say MBB was looking at the event occurring out the window of a pub whilst sharing a drink with Hansard or the like.[/quote]

I dont drink in Whelans too much anymore pikie, does Tom still be in there?

There’s designated wheelie parking spaces - just because you’re in a wheelie doesn’t give you the right to park in a bus or cycle lane. Bastards.

I have two fully functioning legs and I’ll park wherever the fuck I like.

Since I started this thread I have become a cyclist - well I got myself a bicycle.

I just cycle around the general vicinity because I would be scared of my shite to go around town and the likes. But since then you begin to get a sense of how cyclist must feel driving around the city. Cars can bloody well do what they want - and more or less do. And if a cyclist goes through a red light when there is nothing coming then what is the big deal?

The problem comes when cyclists really start acting the maggot. I was driving to work yesterday morning and in a lane which can turn right or go straight ahead. I was going straight ahead and as I was first in line I didn’t have to worry about cars turning right and holding me up.

Next thing you know this cyclist arrives right in front of me. The lights change and the cyclist takes off up the hill. I thought he was heading straight on. I was crawling behind him and then - stop.

There were no hand signals but I gathered that he was turning right. I had to struggle to get around him as I was so close to him - all of which could be saved had your man signalled and let me know in advance that he was turning right.

The way I look at cyclists is it is imperative for their safety and other road users that they behave properly on roads. But they have that little bit of extra scope and if they jump a red light with no coming then I wouldn’t go nuts about it.

Some stupid STUPID cunt cycling a bike this morning through Dublin City Centre, with…wait for it…an umbrella.

I give up.

[quote=“myboyblue”]Some stupid STUPID cunt cycling a bike this morning through Dublin City Centre, with…wait for it…an umbrella.

I give up.[/quote]


[quote=“myboyblue”]Some stupid STUPID cunt cycling a bike this morning through Dublin City Centre, with…wait for it…an umbrella.

I give up.[/quote]

they are all cunts, every single one of them.

I encouraged my passenger to swing open the door as we passed the cyclists, but alas to no avail. :mad:

[quote=“myboyblue”]Some stupid STUPID cunt cycling a bike this morning through Dublin City Centre, with…wait for it…an umbrella.

I give up.[/quote]

I think I saw that cunt too. Male or female

Couldnt tell sexuality, he/she flew out in front of me coming down Consitution Hill heading towards 4 Courts.

I’ve seen idiots before going around with umbrellas. One time I saw this woman, must have been in her late 30’s or 40’s, and she was absolutely soaked from the bottom up coz of all the puddles and water spraying up on her, but sure at least her hair stayed dry I suppose.

Well there were 2 of them then. I spotted one on Harolds Cross bridge just as she was about to board the bicycle, struggling with a bag over one shoulder and the umbrella in the other.

I’d also like to note that she was wearing a relatively short skirt, I wasn’t complaining but it’s not the ideal cycling atire while carrying a handbag and holding an umbrella. I cycle myself but there really should be some sort of exam for idiots like this

Hold it now, she might be an alright sort. :thumbsup:

[quote=“myboyblue”]Some stupid STUPID cunt cycling a bike this morning through Dublin City Centre, with…wait for it…an umbrella.

has some been watchin a bit too much of how i met your…wait for it…mother

I give up.[/quote]