Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Not so much cyclists but bad driving and a laugh.
I was dropping my little one to choir for a communion mass, a four mile drive on a hilly twisty road, anyhow there was a typical fat Lycra clad cunt trundling up a hill on a bicycle at bad,fast type bend and I duly held back on passing until the next safe straight, some cunt came up the road behind me in a skoda and blew the horn and started flashing the lights, I assume urging me to pass the cyclist, we hit the straight and he passes both me and the cyclist, I duly tipped along the other three miles of the journey right up his bumper and I could see he was doing his very best to lose me. He was a silly driver, braking in the middle of bends etc I didn’t even have to change down a gear to keep into him.
Then I realised he was also going to the church I was so I also turned right down the lane he did and pulled right up behind him outside the cemetery, none of them budged out of the car only sat there looking out the back window as I chatted with my daughter.
The poor fool thought it was a possible road rage incident.
Maybe I should have taken out the hurley and walked up to his car for a laugh.

I was gonna say I feel sorry for your daughter but she probably didn’t lift the face from the iPhone. :grinning:

Cool story bro’

Nah. She got a laugh out of it too. I’m back to collect her now but can’t get a space near your mans car. I think I’ll take out the hurley and be standing nearby.

Fuck lads. There’s some fanny here. The yummy mummies are all out. Short flowery dresses seem to be the fashion this morning.

Ps. @Fagan_ODowd what’s the best way to take a ‘discreet’ picture from a car?


Arra bollix. Big heavy shower of rain now. They were all gowling around outside the church and I observing all from a fagan o dowd type crouch in the car. They’re all running for shelter now​:cry::running_woman:t6::running_man:t2::flushed:


Cyclists nearly ran over child, claims mother
Dublin City Council has been urged to introduce cycle speed limits on the promenade between Dollymount and Sutton by a woman who claimed her toddler was nearly run over.

In a letter to the local authority, released as part of a Freedom of Information request, the woman said local mothers no longer bring their children to walk or cycle along the promenade because of safety fears .

“Myself and my husband were walking along the promenade last Tuesday morning and my toddler was on his tricycle in the bicycle lane,” she said in her letter, sent last summer.

“A couple of very professionally-dressed cyclists came speeding down the bicycle path at lightning speed and began yelling and cursing to get the child off the track.

“My child jumped off his bicycle in terror and ran straight out in front of them. My husband literally dived to push [him] into the nearby grass area where it took us several minutes to calm him.

“The cyclist continued to shout and yell as he sped on with no regard for the child who had a gash in the side of his stomach from the fall. I shudder to think what could have happened if my partner had not stepped in.

“There is a cycle lane on the road near the promenade for commuters too, whereas this one has always been used for recreational use and has always been child-friendly.

She added: “There is no speed limit and speaking to other mothers in the area, they have each had a similar experience, all but one choosing not to bring their children to walk and cycle there anymore due to the very unsafe nature of these reckless cyclists who seem to think the rest of the pedestrians and children are impinging on their territory.”

Earlier this year a number of posters appeared in Howth calling on cyclists to slow down in the Dublin suburb.

Messages set out on cartoon posters read, “It’s the Hill of Howth, not the Tour de France”.


:scream:[quote=“Fagan_ODowd, post:1048, topic:6210”]
My husband literally dived

:runner:[quote=“Fagan_ODowd, post:1048, topic:6210”]
The cyclist continued to shout and yell

:imp:[quote=“Fagan_ODowd, post:1048, topic:6210”]
the child who had a gash in the side of his stomach

:baby:[quote=“Fagan_ODowd, post:1048, topic:6210”]
I shudder to think


:runner:[quote=“Fagan_ODowd, post:1048, topic:6210”]
The cyclist continued to shout and yell

:imp:[quote=“Fagan_ODowd, post:1048, topic:6210”]
the child who had a gash in the side of his stomach

:baby:[quote=“Fagan_ODowd, post:1048, topic:6210”]
I shudder to think


Imagine putting your three year old out on a tricycle in the middle of a cycle lane where long suffering cyclists are only trying to do their best to beat their personal bests on their Stravas. You might as well be putting the tricycle in the fast lane at Mondello. Cunts. They should have the kids taken off them.

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If you want to cycle a bike fast you should fuck off into the countryside. It’s the same here with jokers on the cycle lanes. Most of them are just shapers.

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What about the cunts using tricycles in bicycle lanes?

What’s “fast” and how do you get to the countryside (i.e. would you suggest using a cycle lane or something else) ?

She should have taught the toddler how to fire a stick into a bikes spokes and just wait for his chance.

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Put the bike in the boot of the car or an a bike rack.

Fast is over 20kph in an urban area.

I think the car suggestion is pretty unrealistic, particularly in the context of policies to reduce congestion, improve exercise levels, reduce pollution/emissions etc etc etc.

Do you think this lady would have been happy if her toddler was in the cycle lane and the cyclists were doing 20kmph?

FWIW, it seems to me that all parties could be accommodated pretty handily here but it just needs a bit of common sense.

Jail 'em


Pity this Twitter account is dormant .

Listen, there is a basic principle of respecting other road users whether you are in a car or on a bike or a motorbike. If these lads are acting the bollix putting themselves or other innocent users of the bike lane in danger, they need to be called out on it. If you see a kid 50-100 yards ahead of you on a lane like that you should be braking and then pass them out at effectively walking pace. And not abusing people. But maybe that’s just me. Or maybe it’s because I didn’t buy my first racer last year.


But braking means they might not equal their Strava PB. Being able to share that on Social Media is what cycling is all about isn’t it?

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