Cunts on Ghost Bikes

That is the downside alright. But it’s better than killing some child.

Which of you cunts is it?

It’s pretty chaotic that cycle path at busy times. It’s really only suitable for a leisurely spin. There is constant traffic across it from pedestrians, footballs, cars (in places), dogs and so on. Anyone on it thinking they can bomb out to Sutton at 30 kph should be fucked out of it.

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So you’re saying lads that want to go for a proper cycle on a racer should cycle on the road?

No. I am saying that this laneway isn’t suitable for chaps who want to cycle at speed and they should take it handy while they are using it.


I don’t disagree with that but I also think that putting a toddler in a tricycle on the cycle path isn’t exactly respecting the other users either.

We need a Tricycle lane.


Or they should cycle in a manner suitable to the conditions.

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I’m pleased that I avoided @glasagusban s effort at entrapment there. Nice try though kid.


I’d say he’s seething with you.

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His implication seems to be that if you are in the cycle lane you are free to do as you like.
I presume he’d have no problem with cars driving 120 through estates etc.

Nine cyclists killed already this year, as against ten in the whole of last year

thats a good start as the man says

I was out in the car there earlier and I saw a woman cycling across Pearse St on a Dublin Bike with one child sitting in the basket and another child standing on the frame of the bike between her legs. No helmets.

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I was out on the bike there this morning. A motorist honked his horn at me and made a rude gesture for no apparent reason. I was going to knock on his window and ask him what his problem was but alas he got away in the traffic. He was driving a navy blue metallic Passat reg 131 OY. I’ll get him again.

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There’s your answer



stay safe guys

Principal of a primary school with 3 kids. Horrific stuff.