Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Soory, bud… I was dragged in here as Glas needed to deflect from the heat he was under… I shouldn’t have engaged.

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You can say that again.

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I really should have known that posting an instance of a HGV overtaking a cyclist and turning left without looking, in a country where over 90% of cyclist deaths are caused by HGVs turning left, really wasn’t relevant to the dedicated thread about cyclists.

I hope @horsebox will accept my apology.

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He’s nearly as bad as the cunt in the unicycle…

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Apology accepted, mate. Hopefully between the 2 of us, we can raise awareness with cyclists to be careful around trucks and realise that there will only be one winner when cyclists face off against trucks.

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Cycling behind a cunt a few weeks ago…

Coming off the Beckett and on to Guild street…he’s out in the middle of the road… pick up driver takes exception… blows the horn at him…

Daft cunt replies: “I have no obligation to be in the cycle lane”

I see stupid things like this out there everyday…it’s crazy


Cyclists are people too.

Guns don’t kill people, rappers do.

If he has overtaken you then are you not behind him when he turns left so you have to stay back

I know I shouldn’t really bother engaging here but we’re talking me cycling along about 20 feet from green lights and going straight, and a truck overtaking me as I approach the lights and swinging left.

Maybe he saw the big smug cuntish head on you and deliberately tried to roll over you



If you can’t see the driver, he can’t see you…

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What? He approached from behind, am I supposed to see him out the back of my head?

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*Readers will recall: You said in your original post/tale of woe that you were wary of the lorry.
But now you say you didn’t see him.

*cc @Bandage

I’d rather be safe than sorry. Only one winner in a tangle with a truck.

Which is exactly the behaviour I outlined in my original post.

Some of the other posters seem to have a problem getting to grips with the phrases “passed me” and “overtook”.

Do you pop caps in asses from your bike, mate? Do you be soldiering from your BMX?

Take out them fucking ear phones and that rap nonsense and you’ll be more aware of what’s happening around you.

Mate, they all know well, just suits better to ignore it and follow the crowd for the cheap likes. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: