Cunts on Ghost Bikes

If you read this in your mind with a child’s voice it really sums cyclists up.


Dublin rush hour. The Council sends out a street sweeper lorry that blocks the cycle lane wherever it goes forcing cyclists either on to the path or into traffic.


He’s just cleaning up the remains of the last cyclist.


I was driving in my car the other day and the truck ahead of me was turning left. Luckily, I was wary of him and braked to slow down instead of trying to undertake him as he was turning left. Because that would be a really, really stupid thing to do.



I’d say you’re a brilliant driver.


Well I don’t like to brag, kid but I have yet to kill or seriously injure somebody in all my years of driving. Yay for me.


Oh Horsey. I know I shouldn’t expect you to be able to read properly when there are cheap likes to be had, or at all, so carry on.

Pity you didn’t


In fairness, it’s the ultimate snowflake dilemma here. Do I get myself hit and killed by a truck to show that I was right or do I just carry on and let this huge injustice go uncharted?? I suppose it depends whether there’s someone behind you with a camera on their head.


What do forum snowflakes @ChocolateMice and @farmerinthecity have to do with this?

You’re the king of the snowflakes, mate and nothing will take that title away from you - don’t have me to school you … I don’t really want to do it.

The snowflakes are the ones without the emotional resilience to cope with views different to their own. Lashing out because because someone didn’t agree that a singer they like was actually a good singer, for example, would be a snowflake thing to do.

I suppose the irony is that the insecure lads that don’t like to be challenged in their views, by me, call me the snowflake.


Christ above – you logged on yesterday and spouted shite to get a clear rise — I said ‘you’re dialing it in mate’ - then to show how much you really, really hate Morrissey you made some really, really angry comments to reinforce your view - I threw you a mild barb, like a tap on the lamh you’d give to a bold child, and then your response was to label me the snowflake …

You literally, couldn’t, make it up :rofl:

It’s OK if someone thinks that a singer you like is shit, being comfortable with that is the point we are trying to get you to.

I couldn’t give a fuck who likes what mate- I had already called Morrissey out for being a cunt before you came flying in to tell us what is what.

OK precious don’t get so worked up about it.

And repeat formula again.

Go away out of this thread ye two dullards. There was a brilliant interaction there a few posts back where @Horsebox buried glasagusunderpants and all other cyclists with one simple post. now ye cunts have a promising thread ruined.