Cunts on Ghost Bikes

In Raheny this morning I saw a man cycling a bike with a young child on the crossbar while holding on to a dog on a lead. On a main road.

Who says men can’t multitask?



Can we add rollerskaters here? Some cunt skating down the middle of road this morning with a big line of cars behind him.

Skates or blades? Because skates would just be painfully snowflake hipster.


I wonder what TFK posters own rollerblades?

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Some girl ran through traffic crossing the road this eve and bate me off my bike in the cycle lane and flattened the two of us and buckled my wheel. Sake.

You were sexually assaulted?

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Fuck sake

Was she apologetic?


The first naughty joke I ever heard was aged 7 in bushy park primary school, and involved cycling

Go on, you might as well tell us…

Some Wannabe organ donator just went by on a black bike on a rainy night in Ranelagh without a light and in all black clothes

Came up behind some cunt on the motorway pulling a long trailer with ner a light on the back of it. Nearly ploughed straight into it.

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You were lucky, it could’ve been a lot worse…the disregard your average ape driver has for cyclists on the road is unreal.

I actually think a lot of Irish people just arent able to drive properly at all.

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Eh, he ran down a pedestrian crossing the road pal. There was no car.

Just read it back there…ah fair enough.

Cant say I’ve ever heard of that happening before.

I just hope the poor girl is ok. I can’t imagine the trauma inflicted upon her this evening.