Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Imagine how the poor girl feels. Knocked down by a maniac on an bike with no light and the madman in charge of the bike wearing a black dress. Fuck your glas you transgender cuntbag.

lads can someone explain the rule when in a cycling lane beside a path approaching a side road. I had a cycle rage the other day with a Dublin prick in ballymun off his head at 8.30am

That’s a tough break, pal.

Io Well I didn’t really understand it at the time, but the story goes that a farmer was cycling to mass, when he passed a comely maiden at the crossroads looking for a lift, so, the farmer pulls over and tells her to hop on.
A mile down the road, she looked coyly at the farmer, who has now built up a bit of a sweat.
“Do you realise” said the comely maiden, “that I’m not wearing any knickers?”
“And do you realise yourself” replied the farmer, “that there’s no crossbar on this bike?”
It still entertains me now I understand it. This was in the era of hellfire and damnation. We’d have been torn limb from limb had we been heard repeating a joke we didn’t even get.


I saw a cyclist who came around the dock road roundabout in the wrong lane nearly get killed earlier. The car involved should have been more careful but it was very high risk from the cyclist.

The fifteenth cycling fatality of the year in Waterford this morning

was it not the 16th?

Only going by the article I read, open to correction

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That’s an awful lot for one county


About to set off guys

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Go with god mate

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made it in guys but may have frostbite

Can’t do without gloves for cycling in this weather. Stay safe pal.

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He first tried to blame me but when he saw the dash cam play back he didn’t wait for the gardaí," Hanary Saman told

Another prick of a cyclist sent home with his tae in a mug. Prick with a carrier bag hanging off the handlebars too. He should be tracked down by the Gardaí.

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the dash cams are great, the pricks haven’t a leg to stand on

Pity he wasn’t left with no legs at all.