Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Cute bell mate

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Was driving in Rathmines on Friday night. Taking my time as I was looking at bars etc I might frequent on Saturday as I was to go to the Stella Cinema.

As such I was being very courteous to cyclists and generally letting them pull out ahead of me. One lad all Lycra and glasses with pannier bags was going at a rate of knots and overtaking other cyclists.

He went by a bus and a truck that were pulled in without leaving much of a gap to deal with eventualities. I thought to myself he was taking a chance or two.

He went out of sight.

I proceeded further and just outside the Swan Centre I saw a bag in road beside a taxi that was pulled in. I maneuvered to avoid it and was thinking what idiot dropped that.

I then saw an upturned bike in front of the taxi and the cyclist from the earlier part of the story walking back and picking up his bag and remonstrating with the taxi driver through the car window.

He seemed to have escaped unscathed luckily enough.

I continued my journey without further eventuality.


Anyone here use a turbo trainer?

I started looking into one with the snow but the range and prices were a but of a quagmire. Advice from experienced users would be welcomed.

Lidl sell them quite regularly. I have one I don’t use if you can get somebody to collect

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Yeah they’re not bad. Get a branded one for about €70 but you can spen double that. Sufferfest is a good program to follow

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Had two instances recently with cyclists breaking red lights. One annoyed me with the insouciance of it the other was simply suicidal. Came down a hill and ploughed through the lights not late because the lights had changed about thirty seconds previously. He veered between two cars and made his getaway. I was out raged and got in front of him and parked in the bus lane, but the sneaky cunt took a cowardly left and went on his way before I could get a chance to upbraid him.

Where was this?

Junction of Offington and Dublin Road. He made his escape down Church Road

Never really up there

I had a scrape with a taxi man on north strand last week as the hill rises before the lights, I felt he was edging over and I was being pushed into the wall so gave the taxi a thump, he was seething so I cycled off merrily

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Dangerous spot for a cyclist alright.

Yep,there is a shitty bike path which is more dangerous as you have a high chance of crashing into a junkee

Might start going via East wall

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Tricky along the East Wall Road from the Campus garage. Traffic goes very fast and makes it difficult to get down East Road. I usually dismount at the lights at Aldi and walk across on the pedestrian light and remount and go down Church Road.

That’s not like you mate

Tacx. Mine cost around 130 quid. That’s about the middle of their range.

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Can you get a turbo trainer that hooks up to a playstation and allows you to have online races or play a tour De France type simulator game ?

You can if you are sad enough.


Are they much use on a fixie anyhow?

One of the other members recommended one that’s €260.

I laughed.

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That is the second time I have read the word “insouciance” in the last couple of days. The other context was an article about Richard and Judy’s daughter who lifts weights and the article described her as walking with insouciance into the heavy weights area.

It was to stop him squishing me mate