Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Another poxy morning

nearly 3 weeks of it now…

I cant recall it being as consistenly bad

Only crumb of comfort is that @Horsebox will be soaked too


Bad weather in winter. Such a surprise.


I think that’s the one thing keeping the forum afloat, knowing that little bollox is drowning

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Horsebox is a dolphin you clown. And from Galway. He relishes this shit.

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He has no porpoise being out in such conditions - he’s just an obtuse Galway man.

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I’ve been soaked early and often all my life. Last Monday cycling to work was as cold wet and miserable as I can ever remember.

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you are taking years off your life with that craic

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I thought you commuted to work on a motorbike?

These new “armadillo” things the council have put down are doing a great job of keeping cunt motorists out of cycle lanes :ronnyroar:


Or the gold merc?

I’ll get you with the passenger door if I have to

Or the chauffeur driven Bentley?

Following me around again?

I do except on Monday when don’t have to get my lass from school.

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you collect your daughter on a motorbike?

Yes, why?

Because he has fuck all else to be chatting about.

is it awkward with school bags and that?