Cunts on Ghost Bikes

No she has a rucksack an she puts her arms through my rucksack to hold on.
It’s the only way I can be sure to get there by six.

fair dues. Is it a long spin?

You could leave work earlier and drive and not be mortifying the poor child.

No two or three miles. Heavy traffic. I have to go about 15 to the school though and if its backed up on the a34 I’d be late and it’s a. Not fair on her or staff, and b. £15 for every five mins you are late. Three evenings she has gymnastics after so I’ve to get home and get her tea and back out the door, so I need to be sure I won’t get badly held in traffic, and a motorbike is the only real option.

I couldn’t. I would if it were easy. Plus, on this road, you could be backed up 45 mins some evenings in a car.

that’s not so bad then. a long spin on the back of a bike is a dose

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The muldoons couldn’t get their heads around the heavy traffic on the mainland.


be easier alright if we all had square heads

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Saw those last weekend. They are a very clever idea

If it is good enough for leading TV personalities

You’d still be a thick cunt.


it’s hard enough for you to get your head around anything.

Very aggressive and chippy.

As a Motorist they are a great idea and clever. Will also stop lads in Lycra racing and overtaking

You need to take a long hard look at your life. You’re existing not living.

I’m well aware of that.

You should move to Limerick.


I drove to work today, bro as I needed the car for a chore this morning. I dropped it back at lunchtime though so I’d say I’ll get a nice oul soaking this evening if that makes you feel better.

muldoons like to think they can drive into the centre of any city and just park on the side of the road :rofl:

Leave the car in the middle of the road, engine running, hazard lights on as they complete an ATM transaction and then go into the shop to do the lotto and buy spuds. You literally couldn’t make it up.


Fucking Londoners at this all the time.