Cunts on Ghost Bikes

@caoimhaoin-esque levels of getting something completely wrong but sticking to his guns and maintaining that he 100% right on display here :smiley:

You don’t get it fella


Probably not jail but the driver will get a conviction.

he got community service and has to do a class on speed awareness. He didn’t even get penalty points.

if he was riding a motorcycle would you have deemed it safe and appropriate road use?

Community service is a sentence. So he got a conviction then. I see.

I suppose the cyclist got the same sentence so did he? :laughing:

Check the cyclists twitter there was no conviction or prosecution, I spoke incorrectly there mentioning community service.

Of course the cyclist didn’t get a conviction he got a belt of a car.

Do you think cyclists have no personal responsibility when using roads?

*edit: you don’t answer questions so it’s pointless asking them.

Please refrain from comparing me to other posters. That’s twice in two days now

No I don’t. I am a cyclist and a motorist. The cyclist did nothing wrong. The car was 100% wrong. You are completely wrong. I don’t see any reason why I can’t compare you to whoever I like.

Because I asked you politely to do so, it is a cheap trick to try and take some sort of weird moral high ground, I’ve noticed you do it on a regular basis.

Since you’ve answered a question, I’ll push the boat out and ask another,again, if he were riding a motorcycle do you think he behaved responsibly and appropriately?

If you say so. You are 100% incorrect but still posting away repeating yourself insisting you are right because you’ve nailed your colours to the mast and can’t budge. It’s funny. Kev used do it all the time on here, the comparison is relevant. Kev sticking to his guns swearing that up is down and was one of the great tropes of tfk. Now you’re doing it.


you love percentages.

you say the driver was 100% in the wrong. If so, by your logic, he could clearly see the cyclist as he had put himself in a position where he was 100% visible to all oncoming traffic, so the driver intentionally gave him a belt of a car.

Still no answer to the question about the motorcyclist.

You’re very consistent

Not seeing him is not an excuse you loon, he’s driving too fast on the wrong side of the road.

You seem to think that his view was obscured is an excuse. If anything it makes his driving even worse.

if you take a motorcycle test you are told never to go in that position on a road.
He put himself in a position where he couldn’t be seen. He certainly wasn’t riding defensively.

I’m not making a defense for the motorist. I’ve already said he has blame.

If the cyclist had taken the middle of the road and waited for the second car to turn left, he’d not have been hit.

Still no answer to the motorcycle question. You are very consistent

Robert Winstone is a complete dick head

This isn’t true.

is it not classed as dangerous positioning? for this exact reason, cars cutting corners

When making right turns or turning right at a junction, position your motorcycle to the right-side of your lane. Keep as far to the right of your lane as safely possible. This will usually be approximately one and a half feet (45 cm) from the centre line. Positioning too far right may put you in a hazardous position from oncoming vehicles.

I’m getting cattle bars for my car

The cyclist is in his own lane. What is your argument? Do you think he is closer than 45cm to the centre line and so it’s his fault he got knocked down? You’re completely bananas.

I’d say he’s about 12-18 inches from the centre line in any case. Anyhow, little point arguing. Trenches are dug.

You aren’t getting it pal.

Fault lies with the belter for driving irresponsibly
Fault lies with the beltee for cycling irresponsibly

I’m not defending the driver. He is a shit driver.

If I was the cyclist I’d have been in the middle of the lane behind the car turning left, waiting my turn to get to the junction. Sticking the middle finger up at the wanker cutting the corner as I went on my merry way