Cunts on Ghost Bikes

he’s practically on the line. He almost crosses the line passing the car turning left

I can’t understand how the driver doesn’t see the cyclist, there’s no obstruction, it’s just terrible driving, he’s not concentrating at all, the cyclist is blameless

The fault is 100% with the driver, it’s lunacy to be claiming otherwise

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Indeed. But this is what you’re dealing with now.

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if he is behind the car turning left, where the point of the triangle is, he doesn’t get hit by a car.
He has put himself in a very dangerous position on the road.

It’s alarming people can’t see that if the cyclist behaved differently he wouldn’t have ended up in a heap on the road.

You’d want your head examined to think otherwise

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If he had been in the position you say and was rear ended by a fella on his phone it wouldn’t have been any worse, he did absolutely nothing wrong

in your scenario the apportion of blame would have been fully on the driver that rear ended him

  1. As the driver would have been on the phone

And B) The cyclist was in a perfectly acceptable position and would have been clearly visible to the driver that belted him

If a cyclist is on a road, and @anon78624367 isn’t around to see them, are they a real person?


What about if the driver was driving too fast on the wrong side of the road you lunatic?

Much is a bike service these days must get the auld racer out again

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It only becomes dangerous if a car turns right and cuts the corner in an egregiously illegal way. He’s within the lane and in a perfectly normal position to turn right.

It’s mental that you’re choosing to argue otherwise. It’s akin to blaming someone for having their phone snatched on the street because they had their phone out while on the street.

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it’s akin to pulling out your brand new iphone in the middle of Southill.
Don’t put yourself in dangerous positions

Or a girl walking late at night wearing a short skirt?

fuck off with this shit you weird cunt.


What’s the difference?

“Don’t put yourself in dangerous positions”

I don’t think walking down a street in a short skirt is a dangerous position, it’s quite normal…

You seem to think it is. Which is very very alarming.

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The very very’s are coming out now :smile:

I could have used three.

You’ve tried to call me a rape sympathizer because I had a difference of opinion to you about a minor road traffic incident.

Have a think about that, the next time you take the moral high ground.

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I called you no such thing. I ridiculed your line of reasoning because it the exact same logic.