Cunts on Ghost Bikes

Top Douglas Road, gonna keep my eye out for this guy

He seems like an unmerciful cunt


Nail on the head. Going round looking for trouble.

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“I know what I’ll do with my time. I’ll put cameras on the bike, cycle round Cork filming myself getting into arguments and put it all on twitter”



What does anyone make of this? A genuine question. Sounds like the judge is nuts.

Held up a cycle race there bringing a few ould cows across the road. Fuck them.

Some little cunt lost his PB because of an ould limousin cow with bad legs. :sweat_smile:


Ah lovely, I hope the cunts got cowshite on their tyres as well.

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Can he be cunt of the year please ?

"Not trying to pass, just maintaining momentum "

He seems to want to be treated like a car but not follow any of the behaviours associated with driving.


And also to have time trial conditions in urban areas in broad daylight.

TFK planet killers out in force today



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I was lead traffic

I hope @THE_LINK_WALSHe runs him over some day drunk.


This. Maintaining momentum. Because I shouldn’t have to slow down, the world should move out of my way.

Hopefully a HGV has a very close encounter with this cunt soon.


The victim got four grand. The costs are the problem. And she was partly responsible.

Shocking, wishing death on this poor chap because he cycles a bicycle and doesn’t want to be killed :expressionless:

Our mutual pal had a nasty run in with a dopey car user the other day @caulifloweredneanderthal, I don’t know how ye do it

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He did. He put a fair dent in the car so I’m surprised he had no fractures. He’d be a very steady cyclist


Sounds like she stepped out in front of him tbh.

That’s what happened. On the phone like.

I witnessed this charming scene earlier.

So there is this event on in the conference centre at the moment called Velo City. It’s designed to showcase cycling in cities and Dublin City Council have been laughably laying down pitiful bits of cycling infrastructure near the conference center to give the impression that Dublin is some kind of a cyclists paradise.

Anyway I’m walking across the Beckett bridge on my way from the doctors to the bus at 6 o’clock just as the delegates are exiting today’s events to hop on Dublin Bikes back to their hotels. They come up behind the Sheriff Street Sub Aqua Club walking in a very slow and determined manner in the cycle lane presumably on their way to Grand Canal Dock to create havoc for the evening.

A gentleman on a bike I’m guessing Scandinavian comes up behind them and starts exclaiming “Beep beep, cycle lane, excuse me please” in a fruity kind of an accent

One of the wetsuit chaps swivels around and shouts into your mans face would you ever fuck off back where you came from you fucking cunt

I made my way from the scene with some Velo City as I didn’t want to be around when they fucked him and the bike after him into the Liffey