Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

Seems like a nice fella tbf

This lads a bit old for summer camp

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He’s not simple at all.

He’s either nervous or has had a few . I don’t think he’s ever been on telly before (for an interview)

Yeah he is a sound chap. The Stapletons buried their sister a couple of months ago.

Des is looking at Orla in a very rapey manner.

That’s wicked sad

You’d know all about that

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Brain tumour. Like Eddie Connolly.

Has this lad a podcast?

His brother has

His brother

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That’s his brother Shane

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Fair play Saint.

I was at that game. She was very ill and was told not to attend. But she stood at the entrance to the Massive Marqee and shook the hand of everyone who passed her. It was an incredible night. And for me demonstrated the power of the GAA.


That’s what’s it’s all about really


I was there recently, gave in my money to pay for a couple of pints, Jim gave me back the change and says “I’d say I left you a bit short there” and went on about his business

Edit: no you are always short etc

The daughters are fierce sound, one is a playwright I think, she’s a lovely girl.

Didn’t you used to be called @therunt?

2 Johnnies > Rubberbandits