Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

What a prick fuck off maureen too

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Christ Almighty

Ask the cunt about what happened him when he was a solicitor.


That put a dampner on the entire weekend


The david may of Kerry gaa - zero talent - fuck the fuck off

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Billy is sound. Has been very outspoken on the scourge of cocaine when it would have been easier to stay quiet.

Has he said anything about the scourge of alcohol ?



Alcohol is a legal drug though.

He was some pain there tonight. If they want to keep this show going that’s fine but you think they could put some kind of proper tactical preview last night.

The big roaster woman doesn’t have a ticket. Obviously Galway’s biggest fan when the final comes around.

I chose to watch A Year Til Sunday instead of this shite.

Think I make the right decision

We are gonna do it

Eir will just put her on hold until the match is over I’d say. The useless cunts


For fucks sake

Just back from a wedding, did a 20 minute jiving session in the middle of it which will have me right as rain in the morning.

The jiving was something savage, the band had the crowd whipped into a frenzy… Mrs KP didn’t get a spin like it since I drove her to the maternity ward in 2011.

Ill watch up for the match over the fry in the morning. The Wests Awake.


Jaqui Hurley has really upped her game these days.

Jerry Flannery.
Niall Collins.
Celia Holman Lee.
Some cunt from Hermitage Green.
Richie Bennis (not a cunt).
Richie McCarthy (not a cunt)


Bill Murray
Whoever else the barter account can afford. Probably not even Teege, maybe TG4 will loan out Mark Foley for the day.

No way this goes ahead this year

It’ll be on GaaGo

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