Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

Bertie Ahern.
Jimmy Deenihan.
Jack O’Shea.
Bernard Brogan.

Id say there might be more of the 2011 generation on it. Likes of darran o Sullivan, donaghy, flynner and Dermo.

The Kerry Cowboy

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The Bawmmer

Paul Gal-a-van

Conor mcgregor

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Hardly any of these people are cunts

David Moran

What the fuck is this shit.

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Good looking girls pretending to the play the drums

This is more like it.

Thinking the same here.

Woodlands making hay this week

The woodlands is a noble spot.

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Des wearing a suit and shirt of plastic.

Sure look I suppose 8 All Irelands.

Kavanagh is out of breath


Paul Murphy gave the hiding behind Tommy line during the week as well

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He went 100miles an hour