Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

Fuck you too ya Mooncoin cunt hows Junior been treatin ye:D:D

Fan Larkin is a bit of a cunt tbh

O’Muckyheartick is up now.

Roaster hat trick

O’Muckyheartick is on, big brown envelope for him.

Probably because Festy can’t sing

The socks on meehawl

Big grey knee socks on him.

7 goals against Cloneen a few weeks ago, we’re on the way back.

“we never done the running de bhoys do now… maybe we had more skill”.

Des… “did you tell that to Brian Cody?”
Larking… "did you ever try to tell a teacher anything?

[QUOTE=“Distended Red Anus, post: 1012579, member: 2648”]“we never done the running de bhoys do now… maybe we had more skill”.

Des… “did you tell that to Brian Cody?”
Larking… "did you ever try to tell a teacher anything?[/QUOTE]


Fan Larking :clap:

“” we got scoured above by Tipperary"

Me bolix ye are,Bennetsbridge are coming up,yer going to be Mooncoin of the 3 Junior teams for a while to come yet boss.

Any chance they’d put on a few Limerick contributors or mention Limerick hurling since they are participating in the Minor final? It would be a breadth of fresh air tonight.

The Butcher has poxed Kilkenny

Joe Hayes. What a man :smiley:

Some craic now. The whole show saved by Fan and Joe.

Three right cunts.

obligatory mention of the Diaspora

The Rattler:clap:

This lad is related to some of my people,hes an alright sort.