Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

I wonder how much Sheedy is getting to appear on this? Amazing he has the time with all the other jobs he does.

Do all guests get paid for this? Or just Sheedy?

Liam Sheedy gets around…gas man.

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Des is buffering like a cunt on me here. And here comes Liz Howard. Her father was “an awful Limerickman” as Liam Sheedy’s mother used to say.

Liz Howard :rollseyes:

Any day now all will be made clear.

She’s like a GAA’s Deidre barlow.

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She was one mouthy cunt on the Sunday Game

Liz Howard the rotten cunt.



The apologies will have been worth waiting for.

Cody and myself never liked this Cha cunt.

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Serious roaster clobber on show here - blue jeans and brown shoes

Cha is an alright sort


Is Cha a DJ now? :laughing:

A dee-jay

You are big enough to be cool about it.

Suppose i have to be.
