Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

Liam is looking very relaxed and happy tonight. Almost like he has gotten some really good news recently.

I’ve never had dealings with her but i have heard some trampish stories.

Didn’t herself and Ger Lock have a right row one day on Radio .

Isn’t she from Limerick?

The relative alright sortedness of the Kilkenny guests on this compared to the relative cuntishness of the Tipperary guests is tipping me towards a state of disinterested, lukewarm support for Kilkenny.

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Garret Howard was her old man.

Grainne is a credit to this format.

Sheedy is an awful hoor.

Ah yeah. I knew there was a connection

Sheedy mugs Des off.

Its not too often you shake Cody’s hand after beating his team.

Liz talks some scutter.

That’s a serious shirt Liam is wearing.

Yes, that’s what he said mate

Well said Liz

Liz angling for some applause there. No go.

Cedarwood State’s finest.

Next 2 guests will be 2 KK & 1 Tipp.

Oh fuck. This ape.

He’ll be wearing Charvet’s next year

Sheedy is a parody at this stage.

Whos that simple cunt doing the impressions

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Sweet Jesus