Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

Shane magowan

Una Healy and David Breen

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Not cunts

Shane McGrath
Tommy Welsh

the Prez or the Ord Stuarahore …or both

Standing by my predictions of three weeks ago

Who is that on the right ?

Good lad🙄

One of the lads from Westlife.

Una Healy - hopefully!!!

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John Kiely

Derek McGrath will be on hand should Cody or Sheedy need any last minute tips on how to handle an AI day

Was grainne given the boot ?

Seamus Flanagan will do a segment on work-rate.

Will it be

  • Savage
  • Manic
  • Unreal

0 voters

All of the above.

Just read his interview. Poor chap. Limerick will work 10 times harder. Lolsers.

I believe she has relocated to South Africa. Probably wasn’t feasible for her to return to do it. Jackie Hurley will add the feminine touch instead

What touch does Des provide?

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“comic relief”