Curious rugby phrases used by the curious rugby set

Packing down

Loose head

Box kick

That’s who I meant


An oldie but a goodie

“Versatile space”

Heaslip referred to something called “the biscuit move” just a few mins ago

You can’t pigeonhole biscuits like that

There are so many different types of biscuits

Rich Tea, Digestive, Chocolate Digestive, Custard Creams, Gingernut, Cocunut Creams, Chocolate Chip, Fig Rolls, Wafers, Shortbread and many, many more

He needs to clarify which type he’s talking about

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Sticky surely?

The rugby set always liked a bit of soggy biscuit alright

You’re joking?

Nope. He said it.

Lads you broke Dan again


Crocodile rolled

little grubber kick


Number one ranked team in the world

Sexton and Murray are " Cornerflagging " superbly. Well if that big cunt Lenihan says so…

Today on Eir1 some un-named flute enquired as to " where’s the pill " which I understood to be the ball.

Some of the jargon these pricks come out with would nearly make you look at the soccer.