Curious rugby phrases used by the curious rugby set

Half the shite they talk you wouldn’t know whether it’s good or bad what they’re describing.
“Hindering the jackalling” was used by the ref yesterday when inventing another Ireland penalty.

“They need to allign their resources better”

Copyright @myboyblue 2021


Last week a commentator said Ireland need kick for touch and get ‘a few pods in the air ‘…

Andy Farrell: ‘You either embrace pressure or you get buried by it’

“Rugby intellect”

Liam Toland telling us multiple times there is a ‘Donnybrook’ going on on the pitch

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Wiper kick is a recent addition

A Donnybrook

A friend of mine was doing business with Reddan one time, and the meeting had to finish at 11:45 because Reddan had a “Hardstop”. My first time ever hearing about the word.

He’s meant to be a nice man all the same.

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Horgan was talking about the “higher risk tariff” in his preview, the fucking geebag

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“Honey Potting” they’re a gas crowd

I’d say that was in the GAA long before rugby

Control the zone of contact


Really? What a fucking tosser.

A “turnstile” whatever that is.

There was another seatbelt tackle at the weekend in the England v Australia game.

Pretentious gimp Jamie Heaslip pontificating here about “the flywheel affect”.
These lads are just making up shit on the hoof here.
I’m unable to offer an explanation but it doesn’t matter.

Edit… Slobbering on now about “Fla” and “Faz” ……Christ on a bike……


Loose Hombres…

@Ralphie did you hear the latest voice note about the schools match match between terenure and Wesley?


I didn’t, assume it’s classic stuff

It is, you wouldn’t expect less from the South Dublin rubby set at a under 14s game

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