Curious rugby phrases used by the curious rugby set

They should bring back the ban for that ludramán

Yer man looks an awful cunt.

What’s the fucking point of going to a match if you can’t abuse the referee


Your type aren’t wanted at rugby matches

Just the sanctimonious way they say everything too.

:joy: :joy: :joy:

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Top bantz

Roller blading in the scrum

About the time you wished a fire would break out in the stand…

Lads, I have a doozie.

Caterpillar ruck

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Thornley introduced “Soak Tackle” into the vernacular this weekend. Dont ask me what it means.

Sometimes having the ball in these conditions is a negative

Hands on tissue work (Presumably physio)



Not so much CLE as CTE.

This probably some new tactic dreamed up by the coaches

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Was that the Sunday Night “Rugby after dark “ ??

Franno had a wonderful article yesterday in the Sindo on the Irish “Colours Match “

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That was a grand article indeed.