Cyber Bullying

Im the least of your worries pal, you need to get your personal life in order first, i understand you and other Clare types iike to “vent” on the internet and its probably better you doing it on here than to your family members over Christmas.
Don’t let me stop you with your hard man shit pal, you’ll eventually reap what you sow.

he has been at it for ages with the personal jibes and threats via IM but im not resorting to that crap.
In fairness, only a cunt like him would come onto a thread like this where people were expressing their horror at what happened up the country with those poor kids and then try to reveal how he was going to try to threaten another poster in the hope the same may happen to them or as he put it " show him the door"… fucking weirdo… Puke is welcome to the freaks on that deviant site he has.

What are you talking about you total and utter kunt, I’ve never IMd you and never will, you filthy low life lying guttersnipe

Are you still there, mickee?

he went through a stage of sending threats to me via IM but I ignored them and they stopped- maybe the best course of action for you too?

Stay out of it Sydney

this lying scumbag has just reached rock bottom , admins can easily prove who I IMd, he’s a low life, and a liar. A Thoroughly despicable entity

[quote=“The All Seeing Eye, post: 722149”]

he went through a stage of sending threats to me via IM but I ignored them and they stopped- maybe the best course of action for you too?[/quote]
Let me get this straight, you are saying you’ve received an IM from me and you’ll be able to prove that on request?

[quote=“Kid Chocolate, post: 722151”]
Let me get this straight, you are saying you’ve received an IM from me and you’ll be able to prove that on request?[/quote]
Scumbag, I’ll ask you again, when you are asked to produce the threat you refer to above, will you be in a position to do so?

thats exactly what im saying

rocko-how do you post screenshots?

Incredible late night action here.

drink/drugs talking?

Still waiting

carry harry is reviewing it as I type- it maybe better to go down the legal route and his counsel will determine my next step

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is carry harry a lawyer then?


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In the name of God but can ye focus on the fact that 2 young children have committed suicide. That is horrific for that family, just before Christmas. Bullying is increasingly more prevalent in society particularly among kids, this has brought that home today. It’s impossible for children to get away from that at a younger age given mobiles and social networking sites.

Society is fairly fucked when 2 young sisters commit suicide, the primary cause of which was suicide.

May the poor souls rest in peace!

Certain posters on here may have to adjust their posting style if they don’t want to end up doing some porridge.

Mac is fucked.

I’m the guy being bullied these days mate. I’ll sort them out though, mark my words.