Daily debate - Diarmuid Connolly V Michael Murphy

  • Michael Murphy
  • Diarmuid Connolly

0 voters

Murphy all day
You couldn’t rely on Dermo

Anti dublin bias imo here.


Which of these would make it in pro sports?



has to be Michael Murphy

unless it is hurling in which case Connolly trumps!

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Dublin won the 2018 All Ireland and the 2019 All Ireland finals with minimal to no contribution from Connolly

He made an impact off the bench in 2017, didn’t feature at all in 2018 for 1 minute and bar one sublime pass, he was not at the races when he came on in 2019 as a sub - he was dispossessed several times, kicked a hail mary shot wide. He really hasn’t been in the thick of things for Dublin for several years now

The fans love him for legacy contributions when he was in his pomp but he hasn’t done his stuff on the pitch for a long time. To be frank Bernard Brogan or Paul Flynn would have done as much as him as a sub in the 2019 finals

when I looked at the thread first, I thought it was Diarmuid Connolly v Vinny Murphy !!

Connolly is very very good. I thought his cameo in the AIF last year was fairly glorious and his peak performance level might arguably be slightly better than Murphy’s. However it’s Michael Murphy all day long. A man you can build a team around in confidence that he wont be in prison or hiding from the law in Boston come match day.

There isn’t even a debate here.

To clarify: it’s Murphy all day. Connolly isn’t as versatile, as consistent, hasn’t performed to the same high level for as long, and doesn’t have anything like the same leadership qualities or temperament.

A forum holds its breadth

Dermo for me

Dermo is the only player who rivals Peter Canavan for the title of GOAT.

Lee Keegan has outscored him when marking him FFS.


And Chrissy McKaigue

They both have tremendous jaws, Murphy’s is a bit more jowelly, I’ll have to give it to Connolly. You could cut a trunk with it

Dublin have a truck full of GOATS. The last 4 all Ireland finals ( includes a replay) , Connolly hasn’t started and wasn’t even togged for one of them. Far from a key part of the Dublin set up for many years now

yet without his interventions they wouldnt have one the last 2 where he came on

I thought he was shite in 2019 when he came on, others differ

he didn’t feature at all in 2018

He made a big difference in 2017 alright when he came on and saved Jim Gavin from a bizarre Eoghan O’Gara selection

The mask slips


dispossesing some kerry muldoon followed by pass of the decade was the game changer

some going for a below average player in normal sports such as footba;ll