Darts 🐐

I heard something about nine dart finish.

Did Baby Luke hit one earlier in the tournament?

First leg of the quarters. Aspinall is a thoroughly alright sort.

Tonight he beat

Aspinall 6-3 (Littler averaged 104.50)
Price 7-3 (Littler averaged 95.86)
MVG 8-5 (Littler averaged 95.15)

On the night, he got a 9 darter vs the Asp and in the game vs Gezzy he went 180, 170 in 6 darts from 350 :slightly_smiling_face:

He’s not in the Masters in 2 weeks. He’ll be grateful of the break with the schedule he has coming up.


It’ll be very interesting to fast forward a year from now and see where he is. How does he do consistently over the year - Grand Prix, Matchplay, Grand Slam and Worlds. He could well blow everyone else out of the water.

He will be in some clinic getting a gastric band if he is not careful. He is in shocking nick for a 16 year old. And being on the road a lot more now fuck knows the state he will be in if he doesn’t have someone looking after him.


Happy birthday to Luke Littler and Adrian Lewis :grin:

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I see the Ando exhibition in Castlehar this evening is still scheduled to go ahead despite the red weather warning. I hope he gets out of there in one piece.

I can collect him from Athlone if he gets that far and he’s happy with the couch. His back is sorted so should be no complaints.

He was in Mohill in Leitrim on Friday night with Colin Lloyd.

Just having a look at the order of merit now.

He’ll have to play a lot of floor events and European Tour qualifiers to get into the majors.

He’ll make the UK Open alright based on his ranking in the PDC OOM.

This will be a busy week for him next month.

The below a tough week for him if he plays everything. If he happened to win the UK Open he’d have a bit more flexibility in what events he decides to play and still get a place in the majors.

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Haunted to win my game in the pub league last night. Yer man had 4 visits to the board to checkout 5 but couldn’t get over the line.

T18 D2 isn’t the most conventional way to take out 58 but they all count :smiley:


I was the same last Friday night,played well in the doubles scoring well when I was in and finished both legs.Then I had about an hour till I played my singles match and was shocking poor.Managed to win but only cause yer man couldn’t finish.Id rather play well and lose than shit and win.

By god.



For context

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What happened to set him off?

We might find out on AKs podcast. Jose is a bit of a loose cannon.

€1100 + food and drink for World #46 Ricky Evans for an exhibition I’m told. Pricy enough.

Ricky fucking Evans.

How much would the likes of MVG be?

Ricky is in Killarney around the Easter Bank Holiday I think so they (A pub in Cork) were hoping he’d be a bit cheaper as he wasn’t coming over especially for it. That €1100 includes the cut for his representative in Ireland btw.

Not sure on MVG but I know there is an exhibition in Laois in March and its €200 to play MVG in a leg and €100 to play Willie O’Connor in a leg.


Place in my home town charged 110 for a leg with Gary Anderson recently and I think it’s the same for Luke Humphries,

Going back 8 to 10 years ago some of them lads at that level were between €4.5k to €6.5k depending who they were.
I think Andy ‘the Pieman’ smith was about €400 or €500 back in the day.
So onl that level it doesn’t seem way out for Ricky Evans.
Some of the lower ranked lads are way better at nights like that than the top players.