Darts 🐐

Part was in Leitrim yesterday doing an exhibition.

The pub won some shitty shield in the town’s competition yesterday as well and he presented the medals to them.

A lovely fella by all accounts.

Leighton Bennett, Mickey Mansell and Luke Littler all with 9 darters today in Wigan.

It’s good to have it back.

Gezzy forfeits his game vs Brendan Dolan when 4-2 as it was too cold.

I watched Ian White beat Humphries 6-0 and Humphries kept blowing his hands to warm them up.

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The Nuke drops a bomb with the scores tied at 5-5 before going on to win 7-6 against Soots on his Pro Tour debut.

Littler vs Searle in the PC1 final.

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Couldn’t get over the line in my game last night.
Went in last but we had already won so couldn’t say there was pressure on.

My scoring clicked but my doubles didn’t.

Won first leg after leaving a double on 6 visits and took 2 darts to close it out while yer man was back on 240 odd.

Left a double again after 6 visits in 2nd leg but even with another 6 visits I couldn’t hit that winning double. He eventually got down to a double and took out D2 to make it 1-1.

Had 183 after 5 visits in the decider and went T7, T19 T19 to leave 48 after 6 visits with yer man back on 219. I wasted 3 visits on D2 and yer man took out 5 with D1 S1 D1 to win it.

I was like Littler on the T19.

I could only laugh :slight_smile:


They went for Ricky Evans and Willie O Connor for €1900.

Players Championship 2 :dart:

Kevin Doets 200/1 ew
Wessel Nijman 250/1 ew
Jules Van Dongen 350/1 ew
Dom Taylor 250/1 ew
Berry van Peer 250/1 ew

2 places ew @ 1/2 odds

Littler is 3/1 fav to win it.

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Mr Part is a lovely fella tbf.

Cork 1
Littler 0



Cc @Diabhal


Is Snakebite making any sort of recovery from his woeful form? There were plenty of chatter online about him starting a Rob Thornton-like drop through the rankings.

He went on a run today after a getting beat in his first game yesterday.

He’s still changing his darts though. I think between the Masters, 2 nights of the Premier League and Players Championships he has used 4 different setups.

Gando missed D12 for the 9 on 3 different occasions today. One of which was to win the final



What’s the routine for your Doubles practicing?

Cork 1
Littler 1

Round the board, 3 darts at each. Go round a few times.

Would you move on after 3 darts regardless of hitting double.

A routine is hard to stick to rigidly practicing the doubles.

Other lads say you shouldn’t practice them unless it’s part of a finishing combination/setup

Peter Wright is finished lads.Couldnt even bate a really shit MVG

We’ve gotten rid of Sky Sports in the last week but no doubt we may be tempted back.