David Bowie RIP

I think I was in an adrenaline fuelled daze for the past week and a half but Iā€™m really missing him now, chaps. Iā€™m very upset and tearful - please help me.

Weā€™ve got 5 yearsā€¦


I just did a lovely 12 mins guided meditation there and it worked a treatā€¦ I recommend you do something similar.

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Grand, Iā€™ll give you a ring shortly and you can guide me through it.

I have it on good authority it was an assisted sucide


The loss of Bowie is very painful. Like yourself I felt numbed since hearing the news. The reality is setting in now. He was something else.

Bereavement hits everybody in different ways, be strong. Remember the happy times.


Agreed. Impeccable showmanship.

Wouldnā€™t blame him.

It would seem everything about his death was staged, a performance art tour de force. From the Lazarus Broadway show and video, the timing of release and content of Blackstar, everything points to one last cryptic piece of art to be studied for generations. Hundreds of years from now dissertations will be written trying to decipher ā€œGirl loves meā€ written in a mixture of Nadsat, Polari and cockney slang. The refrain ā€œwhere the fuck did Monday go?ā€ has the Internet buzzing with the question did he plan his exit on a Sunday.


he only left 70 million pound, thought he would have been worth a lot more than that, peanuts really when you see the likes of u2

Wasnā€™t that what he left to the wife, half of his fortune? He was screwed over for a lot of his career also, only really became financially sound after the release of Lets Dance.

Bono and that crowd are sick cunts.

Bono is a visionary

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A visionary cunt. His sunglasses donā€™t fool me.

Awful begrudgery

Bono wants us to open our doors to Muslims

We are the best at it in Limerick mate.

His a cunt though.

All the money is in touringā€¦ Something Dave did little of over the last ten year.

Money was made at that stage, wasnā€™t he the first to future sell the rights for his music? Shur how much does one man need.

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Ah, yeahā€¦just pointing out to our carnivorous friend, @Tassotti, how Bowieā€™s fortune might stack up against U2ā€™sā€¦Bowie gave up on the fame game a long time agoā€¦ Bono is an egomaniac.

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