David Hasselhoff - the torment continues

Sad stuff.

David Hasselhoff ‘rushed to hospital barely breathing with alcohol poisoning’

TV star David Hasselhoff was rushed to hospital with alcohol poisoning after his teenage daughter found him unconscious, according to U.S. reports.
The ex-Baywatch actor was ‘barely breathing’ by the time he arrived at the hospital on Saturday night, sources say.
The Hoff’s 16-year-old daughter had to call his ex-wife Pamela Bach to make the emergency rush to hospital, where doctors ‘saved his life’.
A source told the celebrity website RadarOnline Hayley kept ‘slapping her dad’s face’ to keep him alive after finding him on the floor at his Los Angeles home.
The source is quoted as saying: 'He was barely breathing when they got him at the hospital.
'He’s recovering. Pam was at his bedside till 4am this morning. This is about the seventh time he’s been taken to a hospital over the last few years with alcohol poisoning.

‘How many visits will it take before he dies?’

Recovering alcoholic Hasselhoff was reportedly taken to the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills.
He is said to have had an alcohol level of .39 - more than four times the legal limit for driving in California.

RadarOnline reports a source claims the Hoff has been hospitalised ‘at least 10 times’ in recent years, many of them unreported.
Hasselhoff was treated for alcohol poisoning at the same hospital in October 2007 after another lapse.
He was infamously filmed by his daughter trying to eat a hamburger while lying on the floor after falling off the wagon earlier that year.
Despite widespread reports, Hasselhoff’s spokeswoman Judy Katz told TMZ.com: ‘He’s fine and well and happy and is celebrating his father Joe Hasselhoff’s 80th birthday tonight at dinner … along with his girlfriend, Kimberly.’
The actor’s lawyer has accused his ex-wife of being behind the story of the alleged hospitalisation and is ‘in violation of the court order precluding contacting the media regarding her ex husband’

Can’t handle a few pints the mong.

Recovering alcoholic indeed

Just shot your avatar right in the face Sledge.

4 times the alcohol limit, thats an ordinary night in Ireland isn’t it, about 5-6 pints? He was probably just passed out like anybody gets. The yanks love the drama, especially the women, I’d say we all know about 10 people off the top of our heads who are worse. Not saying thats a good thing, but i think it gets overblown what the stars are up to.
Watched some programme recently where a guy went and lived with him, he seemed like an alright bloke, if a little dilusional about his and his families talent.

Hoff was .39!


BAL .40 % You are probably in a coma. The nerve centers controlling your heartbeat and respiration are slowing down, s-I-o-w-i-n-g d-o-w-n, s-I-o-w-i-n-g d-o-w-n. it’s a miracle if you’re not dead.

BAL .35 %: This blood alcohol level also happens to be the level of surgical anesthesia. You may stop breathing at this point. In February 1996, a second student, age 20, died of alcohol poisoning with a BAL of .34% after drinking six beers and twelve shots in two hours.

Bollox! I’ve done that.

I believe you drink hottles yourself flano so your hardly one to talk.

Pints of Guinness. Pints of lager are pointless.

Pints for stout, bottles for anything else.

[quote=“Flano”]BAL .35 %: This blood alcohol level also happens to be the level of surgical anesthesia. You may stop breathing at this point. In February 1996, a second student, age 20, died of alcohol poisoning with a BAL of .34% after drinking six beers and twelve shots in two hours.

Bollox! I’ve done that.[/QUOTE]

You are a bigger man though Flano so you could tuck a lot away.

I think I hit level 35 on Saturday night, dont even remember going into D2. Morgan Spiced rum was not a good idea

Cheers farmer. AT is an ugly enough cunt as it is so I’ll leave him be. I’ll not be biting on your playground carry on.

I think I hit level 35 on Saturday night, dont even remember going into D2. Morgan Spiced rum was not a good idea[/QUOTE]

Thought Flannerys would have been the venue of choice for all the Munsters to drown their sorrows.

Where the fuck was Hobie when all of this was going down?

Off riding CJ or something no doubt

Think he was busy shooting speedballs with Yasmin Bleeth

[quote=“Thrawneen”]Think he was busy shooting speedballs with Yasmin Bleeth


fixed that for you